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Energise your teams, add value to your organisation

Team building, workshops and off-sites

With focus on actively enjoying the outdoors in full security, get inspired by nature, reward and build resilient teams; we help you organise and run the activities, plan, and manage the logistics

Team building and incentives

Award your teams in original locations with fun activities: e-gravelbike tours, treasure hunts, orienteering contests, wine & cheese tasting, outdoor cultural visits, picnics, cleanup days, etc.

"My team loved the two days spent at the Combe de l'A in the swiss alps, to observe the deer rut in preserved nature. The activities and the excellent meals shared contributed to consolidate our team spirit and gave a well-deserved breath of fresh air to all."

Richard V., Client team director, Valtech

Team transformation through nature based workshops

Trees conquered the planet 360 million years ago. Since then, evolution provided them with unique adapatation skills. Walking in forests, heavens of diversity, contributes to our well-being; yet what if trees could inspire us in our lives ?  Can they serve as examples to stimulate, e.g, resilience, inteconnectivity, solidarity and teamspirit ? Our tailored workshops invite you to reflect on these questions

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"Peak2Peace developed a remarquably innovative teambuilding approach that invites to observe and integrate the experience, solutions and collaboration mechanisms developed by trees and forests over 350 millions years , that are on display for everyone's inspiration. Working with them has brought resilience, inclusion, interconnectivity and better collaboration in my teams with a focus on what makes sense for them"

Carsten B., managing director

Off-sites and incentive trips

Take a step back, build team cohesion, develop strategies, let nature inspire you, energise, reward and challenge your teams, set objectives and move your company forward.

Our proposition is to do that within stunning Alpine and Jura landscapes, on single or multi-day trips, with state of the art hospitality and facilitation from former executives.


Team building & incentive activities


Worskhops and team transformation activities

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